Has anyone else noticed the Ricki-Lee overdrive in the media lately? She seems to be everywhere! And I don’t mean in a professional-she-has-talent-and-is-entertaining-way!
Hang on, wasn’t she a singer or something once? You wouldn’t know it these days. Despite looking ravishing in an assortment of Alex Perry originals, I am left wondering, what else does she have to offer? I mean, c’mon, you can’t update your twitter daily with pictures of different dresses, at different b-lister events all over town and expect your legion of twitter fans to think you anymore than a Paris wannabe. Although, I think even Paris these days is calling herself a business woman, so who knows, there may be hope for Ricki-Lee after all. I mean she did after all manage to secure a song spot on the soundtrack to the sex and the city sequel, which I might add had global exposure and the potential to quickly become a household name all over the world. No no no, our Rickster decided to play it cool and keep things low key. Way to go Ricki!
Love always, V
I think what you've written is really rude. How about support our artists instead of trash talking them! Although I have to admit with the sex and the city song... What was she thinking passing that up! But still, RUDE!